
Thursday, February 14, 2008

lover's day

a-) Mom, your blog profile picture is ridiculous
b-) this weeks free song on Itunes is great, get it while it's hot. (Hometown Glory).

On to business. Going with the theme of the day, I decided to make my English class more entertaining. The class is all women that work in an office/school nearby. They are always being silly and kidding each other about being single. I decided on the ad-hoc topic of 'relationships'. I had a list of questions I asked them and proceeded to have them answer in English.

Question: What are common reasons for couples to break up?

First (quite assertive) answer: Men decide they aren't men. My ex-boyfriend decided he was a woman.

I won't assume this only happens in Bangkok, but I am going to make and educated assumption that it is quite common here. I was thinking more along the lines of different interests, bad communication, cheating to be causes for a break up. But no, men becoming women. Of course, that one might have slipped my mind on Valentines Day.

Bangkok would be a gender studies specialist's playground. Gender is viewed so differently here, women as women, men as men, women as men, and most commonly men as women. I bought fruit on the street tonight from a man with his nails perfectly painted pink. Which sex does he prefer? The pink nails would not help to make that guess. What I might have viewed as quirky 9 months ago or what might get men shot in TX, now seems quite normal if not comforting. I enjoy the grey area and the ability for affection within each sex not to automatically be stereotyped as romantic. I favor the idea that men can wear the colours they choose without being judged. This whole nation is wearing pink in reverence to the king. However, I do sometimes find it challenging to determine accurately which sex a given individual is here. Physically both adult men and women have more similar characteristic to each other in comparison to their western counterparts. Hence why Christina and I refer to ourselves as a third sex here, western women. All this to say, I have learned quite a bit here, more than textbooks could ever supply. Even what once was common ground, the idea of gender, I have to realize is really more a social construct than natural inclination. Given the choice, would women naturally choose to wear heels if they never saw their mothers in them?

I do not miss the macho, look at my scuffed up baseball cap and huge truck to prove that I am a man, men. I do however miss a world where men aren't constantly looking better in a mini skirt and heels than me. For that, I do have my limits. Women are competitive enough amongst themselves, we do not need men to fight off in the name of beauty.

happy valentines day.


If anyone knows of a good grad program focused on Cultural and Gender Studies let me know. (Note: I am not looking for one that focuses on women's lib or the homosexual side).


Blogger Marilyn said...

I like my blog post picture, thank you very much and Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

February 14, 2008 at 5:25 PM  
Blogger Cherilyn said...

Well, not that I'm trying to get you back in Nashville, but

They may not be quite what you're looking for, but we've had people from those programs on shows and I found them very interesting. Almost as interesting as being in a country full of "Pat" characters, a la Saturday Night Live in the early 90s.

February 14, 2008 at 9:05 PM  
Blogger quilter13 said...

Very interesting read and observations. Thanks for the email. Glad you ladies are having a good visit.
mrs. frey

February 24, 2008 at 5:08 AM  

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