
Monday, October 29, 2007

mom again.

Monday in Krabi- Leisurely breakfast by the ocean, waiting for Rachel to wake up and join us, plan our day in a lazy way, take a cab to Krabi City (not so impressive- think of Freire y Maipu in Concepcion), then took a "bus" (back of a covered pickup truck) to Ao Nang, more impressive, more touristy, nice beach. Rachel and I saw a million places for "thai massage" so we decided to give it a try (Rachel had done it before), Rachel ordered a foot massage, I ordered the "Thai massage" and Eddie was a chicken and sat in the waiting room reading his USA newspaper. OK, for those that have not had this experience, I would highly recommend it! It is a cross between a DEEP massage, passive yoga, and a physical therapy session. My body was twisted into angles that it has never imagined. It was done fully clothed in a room where two young couples were also experiencing this interesting experience. One hour cost about $10 (I would get one at least weekly if I lived here!). Afterwards, we had to go to the local McDonald's (they offered a "green tea" smoothie) for a bit of refreshment. Our "Eddie story" for today was his conversation to the first taxi driver this morning- Eddie talked a mile a minute to the driver who had initially answered the simple question from Eddie, "Is this a new cab?" So Eddie decided he had found an English speaker and began chatting away, asking a milllion questions. At one point, the poor fellow said, "Sorry, I don't understand sir." Not missiong a beat, Eddie continued until the fellow said a gain, "Sorry, I don't understand, sir." Rachel and I are cracking up in the back seat. What a funny man I have spent the past 30+ years with! Stay tuned for our next chapter.....


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